DFL Statement on Minnesota House Passing Primary Data Privacy Bill

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA  – Last Night, the Minnesota House of Representatives passed Representative Dehn’s data privacy bill. Dehn’s bill protects voter privacy by blocking political parties from using party affiliation data for anything beyond simply certifying that the party’s respective primaries were free of widespread partisan interference.

Ken Martin, Chairman of the Minnesota DFL, released the following statement:

“I applaud the Minnesota House of Representatives for taking swift action to protect the privacy of Minnesotans everywhere. Minnesotans should not be at risk of their party affiliations becoming public, and Representative Dehn’s bill does an excellent job of defending voters from that possibility.

“With our state’s presidential primary just days away, I urge Senate Majority Leader Gazelka to join the bipartisan coalition of lawmakers who are ready to get this done. It’s time for the Senate to pass Senator Rest’s privacy bill and resolve this issue once and for all so that every Minnesota voter feels free to cast their ballot on Tuesday.”