DFL Statement on Trump’s 2020 Campaign Kickoff

“Donald Trump has broken his biggest promises to voters across America.”

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA – Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party Chairman Ken Martin released the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign kickoff:

“No amount of campaign rallies can change the fact that Donald Trump has broken his biggest promises to voters across America. In 2016, Donald Trump promised fairer tax laws, better trade deals and cheaper health care. His record as President consists of a tax plan that stiffs workers, a trade war that hurts farmers and a health care proposal that would have immiserated countless families and stripped away protections for preexisting conditions.

“Minnesotans won’t stand for another four years of the rich getting richer while everyone else continues to fall behind, and that’s all we’ll get from Donald Trump. The Minnesota DFL will continue organizing and campaigning hard every day to make Trump a one-term president.”