DNC Chair Tom Perez on December Jobs Report

After the U.S. Department of Labor released the latest jobs and unemployment numbers, DNC Chair and former Labor Secretary Tom Perez issued the following statement:

“Hundreds of thousands of American workers still don’t know when their next paycheck will come. The fundamentals of the stock market are faltering after stocks posted their worst year in a decade. And thanks to Trump, volatility in the federal government is translating into volatility across our economy.

“President Trump has created nothing but chaos and uncertainty. Yesterday, President Trump’s own economic adviser admitted that many U.S. companies would be forced to lower their expected earnings because of this administration’s reckless policies.

“That’s why in November, millions of Americans voted for change by electing Democrats up and down the ballot across the country. Last night, House Democrats did what voters sent them to Washington to do: they voted to make our government work for American families. It’s time to end the disastrous Trump Shutdown.”