Early Vote Surges Across The Country

Early voting numbers have surged across the country, showing an increase in voter engagement and a good early sign for Democrats. See for yourself:


Valdosta Daily Times: “Early voting robust across Georgia”

Savannah Morning News: “Thousands turn out to vote early in Chatham County”


KOAT: “Democrats showing up in droves to vote early”


Associated Press: “Tennesseans are voting in record numbers with close to 350,000 ballots cast in the first three days of early voting.”

Knoxville News Sentinel: “More Knox County voters came to cast their ballot on the first day of early voting Wednesday than any election in the county’s history. As an encore Thursday, even more people showed up to vote.”


Indy Star: “Early voting is surging in Central Indiana. Here are 3 reasons why.”


The Detroit News: “Mich. Democrats buoyed by absentee voting surge, record turnout predictions”


Tampa Bay Times:  “More than a million Florida voters have chosen a new governor, a full two weeks before Election Day. And the first day of early voting in the state’s largest, Democratic-leaning counties suggests a much stronger turnout in 2018 than in 2014.”


Huffington Post: “Democrats See Strong Enthusiasm As Nevada Early Voting Begins”

Las Vegas Review-Journal: “Early voting tops 30,000 in Clark County, shattering record”

Las Vegas Review-Journal: “Only two days of early voting in Nevada are in the books, but the record-setting numbers signify an ‘unusually high’ midterm election turnout.”

Las Vegas Now: “Tens of thousands of people have already cast their vote in just the first few days of early voting in Clark County. In fact, the turnout on both Saturday and Sunday broke records.”


Texas Tribune: “Texas sees huge turnout on first day of early voting”

Dallas Morning News: “More than 55,000 Dallas County residents have voted early so far, surpassing last midterm election in 2014”

Houston Chronicle:  “Harris County smashes early voting record”

Houston Chronicle: “Shocking turnout for first day of early voting in Houston”

Fort Worth Star-Telegram: “Tens of thousands of voters headed to the polls Monday in Tarrant County — in a near-record turnout — on the first day of early voting in Texas for the midterm election.”


Twin Cities Pioneer Press: “Minnesota’s early voting continues to outpace 2016 election”

The Mankato Free Press: “Early voting skyrocketing in south-central Minnesota”


KELO: “At this point in the 2014 election, about 1,600 people had voted.  It means that nearly twice as many have already voted in this one.”


WAOW-ABC 9: “Wisconsin reports strong early voting”