Economist Paul Krugman explains why Republicans are worse than Scrooge: Their economic policies aren’t merely self-centered — they’re ‘openly vicious’

AlterNet logoDuring the Christmas season, one often finds liberals and progressives equating Republican economic policies with Charles Dickens’ fictional 19th Century character Ebenezer Scrooge. But economist Paul Krugman, in a New York Times column published two days before Christmas, explains why he now finds Republican/Scrooge comparisons problematic.

“It’s common, especially around this time of year, to describe conservative politicians who cut off aid to the poor as Scrooges; I’ve done it myself,” Krugman explains. “But if you think about it, this is deeply unfair to Scrooge.”

Modern-day Republicans, Krugman observes, are overtly cruel to the poor in ways that never occurred to Scrooge. Continue reading