False Notion Of Freedom Among Lockdown Protesters

The people who have rallied in Chicago and elsewhere to protest stay-at-home orders and business shutdowns are big proponents of freedom. They claim their right to assemble has been violated, along with their right to earn a living and enjoy their normal lives.

One sign at the May 1 protest said, “Give me liberty or give me COVID-19.” Another said, “Freedom is essential.” There were flags warning, “Don’t tread on me.” The protesters, like those in lots of other places, were demanding the right to go about their lives as they choose, even if it means contracting the coronavirus and giving it to others.

The restrictions are a burden on personal freedom. But they are appropriate for a pandemic that has already killed more than 83,000 Americans, is killing 2,000 every day and would have killed far more without the protective rules. Continue reading.