Fed Chair Powell Isn’t The ‘Enemy’ — It’s Trump Himself

Jerome Powell is the bane of Donald Trump’s existence. Lately, it seems Trump would rather bash the Federal Reserve than eat his favorite fast food. Every other tweet from him accuses the central bank chairman of being a hopeless bungler.

On Friday, the president decided he had been far too mild in his criticism. “My only question is, who is our bigger enemy, Jay Powell or Chairman Xi?” he tweeted. This comes from someone who said of the Chinese leader in June, “I think we’re going to be strategic partners.”

Trump has grown increasingly frustrated that Powell will not do his bidding. The president asserted Wednesday, “The only problem we have is Jay Powell and the Fed.” Earlier in the week, he accused Powell of a “horrendous lack of vision.” A year ago, he was grousing about Powell for raising interest rates.

View the complete August 26 article by Steve Chapman on the National Memo website here.