Fox News’s Chris Wallace gives Putin the grilling Trump won’t

NOTE: We typically don’t post articles about FOX News, but this one is telling.

The following article by Aaron Blake was posted on the Washington Post website July 16, 2018:

After his summit with President Trump on July 16, Russian President Putin sat down for a Fox News interview with journalist Chris Wallace. Here’s what he said. (Melissa Macaya /The Washington Post)

President Trump refuses to press Vladimir Putin on the questions pretty much every official in American government thinks he should. Luckily, there’s Fox News’s Chris Wallace.

The host on Trump’s favorite cable channel jousted ably with the Russian president — despite the use of interpreters — in an interview airing Monday night. He pressed Putin on the questions Trump has played off, including during Monday’s news conference with Putin in Helsinki. The interview turned heated at points, with Wallace clearly frustrated by Putin’s trademark filibustering and Putin clearly frustrated by a journalist actually challenging him.

Perhaps the most notable exchange came toward the end, when Wallace probed Putin on why many of his critics wind up dead or near death. The most recent high-profile example of this is Sergei Skripal in Britain, an attack for which the Trump administration officially holds Russia responsible but Trump himself seems to view as an obstacle to making friends.

View the complete article on the Washington Post website here.