GOP strategist buries Bill Barr’s ‘dangerous’ testimony: He’s dedicating himseGOP strategist buries Bill Barr’s ‘dangerous’ testimony: He’s dedicating himself ‘to the service of evil’lf ‘to the service of evil’

Longtime Republican strategist Rick Wilson has written a scathing column in The Daily Beast ripping apart Attorney General Bill Barr for his Senate testimony where he said that the Trump campaign had been “spied” upon without citing any evidence to back up his claim.

Wilson takes Barr to task for transforming from a civil servant into a stooge for an authoritarian president — or as Wilson puts it, Barr has joined a long list of historical figures who began as “competent people” before being “given over to the service of evil.”

“Bad governments don’t start as nihilist terror; they’re the work of people who look like your neighbors,” Wilson writes. “They build anodyne policy directives to justify the acidic erosion of the rule of law. They put the tools of government and administration to darker and darker purposes while compartmentalizing inevitable excesses in the name of political expediency.”

View the complete April 11 article by Brad Reed of Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.