Historian: German denazification has lessons on how to deal with post-Trump America

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Over the last four years, President Donald Trump’s White House has been riddled with scandals, lawsuits, and other incriminating claims with evidence to support wrongdoing. But due to presidential protections, no one has been able to hold Trump accountable for his actions. As more evidence continues to mount against the president and many White House officials within his administration, calls for prosecution have become more profound. 

In fact, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris weighed in on Trump’s legal battles as she admitted that if she were president, her administration would prosecute Trump. So is there a real possibility the president and his allies could face consequences for their actions? A Washington Post editorial breaks offers a realistic perspective on whether or not this could occur.

According to the op-ed, there are liberal concerns about President-elect Joe Biden taking the high road and moving forward without a backward glance at Trump and his administration despite repeated violations of the Hatch Act. The editorial also raises awareness about the dangerous precedent that could be established if Biden ultimately refuses to prosecute Trump and members of his administration. Continue reading.