Housley and Social Security: A Casual Disregard for Doing the Work for Minnesotans

Karin Housley has demonstrated a casual disregard for doing the work that Minnesotans expect of their U.S. Senator.  Case in point: her inability to explain how she would protect Social Security.

At her campaign launch in January, Housley claimed she was running “to make sure that we have Social Security and Medicare in the future.”

But in June — five months later – Housley was asked on KSTP’s At Issue what policies she would pursue to make sure Social Security and Medicare remained solvent. She was unable to name a specific policy and said, “we have to really take a good hard look at it” and “I would really have to look into it and look at everything that’s out there.”

Then in late August – seven months after her campaign launch — Housley was asked the same question by the Star Tribune. Again, she was unable to name any specific proposals or ideas she supports to protect social security – blaming “proposals out there that have not been put in front of me” and saying, “I haven’t sat down to look at any of thembecause I haven’t seen them.” She was later caught off-mic laughing about how she need to “brush up” on Social Security.

Bottom Line: This is more than Housley not knowing how to answer a question. This is a refusal to do the work so you can solve problems  – something that Minnesotans expect out of a U.S. Senator.