How Sean Hannity Stoked Trump’s Rage Towards Ukraine

President Donald Trump has a deep enmity for Ukraine that long predates the fateful July 2019 phone call which triggered an impeachment inquiry, The Washington Post’s Greg Jaffe and Josh Dawsey reported Saturday. Their story depicts the president raging against Ukraine as early as a 2017 briefing to prepare him for an upcoming September meeting with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. White House aides were reportedly baffled by Trump’s anti-Ukraine animus. “We could never quite understand it,” a former senior White House official told the Post. “There were accusations that they had somehow worked with the Clinton campaign. There were accusations they’d hurt him. He just hated Ukraine.”

There’s a simple answer to Trump aides’ confusion about the source of the president’s conspiracy theories — check what he’s been watching on his television. In the months leading up to that September 2017 meeting, sometime presidential adviser Sean Hannity was telling Trump and the rest of his Fox News audience that the “real collusion” during the 2016 election had been between Hillary Clinton and Ukraine.

In July 2017, The New York Times broke the news that Donald Trump Jr. had arranged a June 2016 meeting between the campaign’s top aides and “a Russian lawyer who has connections to the Kremlin” after being informed that the lawyer would provide damaging information on Clinton as part of the Russian “government’s support” for the Trump campaign. The story came weeks after special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to look into Russian interference in the election and was exacerbated by a false statement Trump Jr. released about the meeting that the president had dictated.

View the complete November 4 article by Matt Gertz from Media Matters on the National Memo website here.