Internet knocks Trump for frantic demand to investigate Obama: ‘This is not the tweet of an innocent man’

AlterNet logoPresident Donald Trump jealously raged against Barack Obama’s post-presidency business deals, which includes a production agreement with Netflix — and other social media users ridiculed his apparent envy.

Trump questioned that deal and others in a pair of tweets complaining about an impeachment inquiry launched against him last week by the House Judiciary Committee, and he suggested Congress look at Obama’s business since he left the White House.

Donald J. Trump

House Judiciary has given up on the Mueller Report, sadly for them after two years and $40,000,000 spent – ZERO COLLUSION, ZERO OBSTRUCTION. So they say, OK, lets look at everything else, and all of the deals that “Trump” has done over his lifetime. But it doesn’t….

Donald J. Trump


….work that way. I have a better idea. Look at the Obama Book Deal, or the ridiculous Netflix deal. Then look at all the deals made by the Dems in Congress, the “Congressional Slush Fund,” and lastly the IG Reports. Take a look at them. Those investigations would be over FAST!

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Other Twitter users, including elected officials, heaped on scorn and mockery.

View the complete September 16 article by Travis Gettys from Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.