Mitch McConnell really doesn’t care if you think he’s a hypocrite

He and his pals in the Federalist Society are laughing all the way to the bank.

For people who have been observing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell very closely, recent remarks in which he casually flip-flopped from blocking Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court to saying that he would gladly confirm one from Trump during an election year came as no surprise.

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Nancy LeTourneau@Smartypants60

Mitch McConnell doesn’t care that you think he’s a hypocrite.

See Nancy LeTourneau’s other Tweets

The smirk on his face when he says that he would fill a vacant seat on the Supreme Court if one opened up in 2020 tells you all you need to know. He is very well aware of the fact that he is a hypocrite and doesn’t give a damn that you know it too.

That is because, unlike a lot of liberals, McConnell has a theory of change—which he explains in the remainder of the video. As we’ve seen with what Trump is attempting to do to Obama’s legacy, both legislation and executive actions can be undone in one election. But judges are given lifetime appointments. So McConnell isn’t interested in passing legislation (except to secure tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations), but has spent the majority of the Senate’s time over the last three years stacking the courts with conservatives, something he calls his most consequential political accomplishment.

View the complete May 30 article by Nancy LeTourneau from The Washington Monthly on the AlterNet website here.