Neo-Nazis hope to leverage Alex Jones controversies one year after Charlottesville violence

The following article by Matthew Sheffield was posted on the Hill website August 9, 2018:

Credit: Washington Post illustration; iStock

White nationalist activists are seeking to leverage a series of social media setbacks experienced by far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones by encouraging even more technology companies to ban Jones’ Infowars website in the hopes of radicalizing his dedicated fanbase.

In a post on his Daily Stormer website, neo-Nazi blogger Andrew Anglin wrote that Jones’ banning from Facebook, YouTube, and elsewhere could encourage Republican elected officials to create laws which would prevent private technology firms from cancelling the accounts of users, including racist groups.

Last August, Anglin’s publication was banned by many internet domain providers after a rally organized by white nationalists and other hate groups in Charlottesville, Va., descended into violence that eventually ended in the death of three people.

View the complete post and video here.