NRA Applauds Trump’s School Safety Report

Yesterday, the National Rifle Association praised Trump’s school safety report released in response to the Parkland school shooting. That’s all you really need to know.

The NRA applauded Trump’s school safety report.

New York Times: “Chris W. Cox, the executive director of the N.R.A.’s lobbying arm, applauded the report, in particular the commission’s conclusion on age limits on weapons purchases.”

Trump’s report played down the role of guns in school shootings.

New York Times: “Trump Administration Report on School Safety Plays Down Role of Guns”

Trump’s report doubled down on arming school personnel.

McClatchy: “President Donald Trump doubled down on recommendations to arm school personnel to stop mass shootings as students and parents from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., site of a Valentine’s Day shooting, called for Americans to focus on steps they can agree on instead of political differences.”

Instead of focusing on gun violence, Trump’s report recommended rolling back Obama-era guidance that helped reduce racial disparities in schools.

TIME: “The school safety commission established by President Donald Trump in the wake of February’s Parkland shooting barely addressed guns, but recommended rolling back Obama-era guidelines aimed at making sure minority students aren’t disproportionately targeted for discipline.”

Trump’s report suggested no funding or policies to address shortcomings in mental health treatment.

Washington Post: “The report includes a lengthy discussion of mental health issues, but does not suggest federal funding or policies to address shortcomings.”