Paul Krugman: Rural Trump voters are in for a major shock

In a brutally blunt column in the New York Times, Nobel-prize winning economist Paul Krugman spelled out how President Donald Trump has sold out the very voters he needed to get elected — those living on farms or in rural communities — and that they may never recover from the financial beating they are taking because of his policies.

According to the economist, “Rural America is a key part of Donald Trump’s base. In fact, rural areas are the only parts of the country in which Trump has a net positive approval rating. But they’re also the biggest losers under his policies.”

“In 2016 Trump pretended to be a different kind of Republican, but in practice almost all of his economic agenda has been G.O.P. standard: big tax cuts for corporations and the rich while hacking away at the social safety net. The one big break from orthodoxy has been his protectionism, his eagerness to start trade wars,” he wrote, adding, “And all of these policies disproportionately hurt farm country.”

View the complete May 11 article by Tom Boggioni of Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.