Rep. Andrew Carlson (HD50B) Update: February 28, 2018

Dear Neighbors,

It’s hard to believe our snowy February is almost over. If you’re concerned about ice dams, the Minnesota Department of Commerce offers tips for how to deal with them now and how to prevent them in the future, which can also save you money on your heating bills. You can find this information about steps to take related to air sealing and ventilation here.

Here’s an update from St. Paul:

Governor Walz Releases State Budget Plan

Governor Walz last week released his proposal for a new two-year state budget, which he calls a “Budget for One Minnesota.” It prioritizes stronger schools, more affordable and comprehensive health care, and economic prosperity for communities across the state. You can read more about the state budget plan here.

Minnesotans deserve a budget that reflects their values and priorities, and Governor Walz’s proposal is a positive first step. In the coming days and weeks, stay tuned for more in-depth discussion about the budget’s specific components, such as new investments in a world-class education for all children, safe roads and bridges to drive on throughout our state, and paid family and medical leave to ensure all Minnesotans can care for a family member or relative recovering from a serious illness or the arrival of a new baby.

State Budget Forecast

Minnesota Management and Budget announced today a projected budget surplus of $1.05 billion, down $429 million since November. The state budget forecast reflects current law, and is based on the most recent information about the national and state economic outlook.  What this estimate does not include is the rate of inflation in future years.

While Minnesota’s budget remains relatively stable, federal uncertainty threatens the economic outlook for our state and Minnesota families. It’s important to exercise caution; that’s why I support legislation that would include the rate of inflation in these economic forecasts.  The goal would be to give more accurate numbers, helping us enact wise budgeting and smart investments for the future.

The House and Senate will use these forecast numbers to help shape policies for the remainder of the 2019 session.

Gun Violence Prevention Bills Receive a Public Hearing

On Wednesday evening and today, the Public Safety Committee held hearings on two bills to address the epidemic of senseless gun violence in our state. HF 8 would expand background checks, and HF 9, the ‘red flag’ bill, and would enact extreme risk protection orders to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people using due process. Both passed on party-line votes.

Minnesotans deserve meaningful action to keep our state safe. I’ve heard from you and as a co-sponsor of these bills, I’m committed to delivering that for our community this session.

Tobacco 21

This week I met with middle school students from Valley View Middle School who were advocating for the tobacco age to be raised to 21 statewide.

I’m committed to improving public health and working toward a smoke-free generation in Minnesota. Raising the tobacco age to 21 will help reduce youth smoking and save lives. In the face of a youth nicotine epidemic, this is a good step forward.

Thanks for visiting!

Keep in Touch

Please stay in touch with your comments, questions and ideas. Your input helps shape my work at the Capitol.

Have a great weekend,

Andrew Carlson
State Representative