Rep. Dean Phillips PSA: Vaccines Near You


Hi Neighbors,

Optimism is infinitely stronger than fear, and, while this has surely been one of the most challenging years in many Americans’ lifetimes, the creation of safe and effective vaccines to fight COVID-19 is reason to hope.  

I’ve made it my mission to help get us through this pandemic as safe, economically sound, and prepared for the future as possible. When it comes to vaccines, it’s clear that we need more doses, more vaccination sites, and more health care workers to administer vaccines if we are going to get this virus under control. As your member of Congress, I will continue doing everything I can to ensure our Minnesota leaders have the funding and information they need to get vaccines to Minnesotans as quickly as possible. I’m hopeful we’re on the right path, and I am encouraged by the Biden Administration’s steps to ramp up production and distribution.  

Governor Tim Walz, the Minnesota Department of Health, and our local leaders are responsible for determining eligibility standards and distributing vaccines to Minnesotans. They are the best point of contact for specific questions about our state’s vaccination plan. Data about vaccine eligibility and availability changes quickly, and I know that can be frustrating. We’re in this together, so the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions my team and I have been receiving are below. The information in this update was compiled on February 19, 2021 and will change as more vaccines become available.


Following an order by Governor Walz, Minnesotans 65 and older and those included in the Phase 1A distribution plan are now eligible for vaccinations. According to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), this includes:

  • Education/Early Childcare Providers: Minnesota launched a pilot program on January 18 to begin vaccinating educators and child care staff. These individuals may be contacted by either their employer or the state government to schedule an appointment to receive the vaccine as they become available.
  • Health Care Providers: If you are employed by a hospital, clinic, or health system, please work through your employer. If you are unaffiliated or self-employed, please call our office at (952) 656-5176 and we can help you complete the MDH Health Care Workers Vaccine Connection information.
  • Skilled Nursing Facility or Assisted Living: Vaccinations for residents and employees are happening in each facility through the Retail Pharmacy Provider Partnership. If a facility or individual within a facility is having difficulty accessing vaccines, please call our office at (952) 656-5176.
  • 65+: If you have a primary care provider, specialist provider, or are connected to a health system, contact your providers or systems to let them know you are interested in getting vaccinated. Pharmacies, including Walmart, Thrifty White, and Walgreens are also vaccinating individuals who are 65+ by appointment only. We understand appointments are difficult to find, but expect availability to improve in the coming weeks as supply continues to increase. 

For a complete list of who is eligible for a vaccine at this time, and more information about coronavirus vaccine phases and planning, please click here.


Use this vaccine locator to find a COVID-19 vaccination site near you. At this time, health systems are offering appointments to current patients by invitation only. All locations are abiding by the phase guidelines outlined above, and each location requires an appointment. Please contact your primary care provider or MDH at (651) 297-1304 or (1-800) 657-3504 with questions and make sure to verify with your medical provider that your account is active and your contact information is current.

This week state health officials launched a new online tool called the Vaccine Connector. They are asking that Minnesotans 18 and older register so that the state can eventually notify you where and when you can be vaccinated.


CountyFirst Doses AdministeredSecond Doses Administered

This data comes from the Minnesota Department of Health. Data is updated daily at 11:00 am, and you can find more information here.

Health care professionals and scientists worked around the clock to create a vaccine that will allow us to beat this virus and I encourage you to take the vaccine as soon as it becomes available to you. When you do receive your shots, it is important to continue wearing a mask, social distancing, and washing your hands. We all have a role to play in keeping our community healthy. 

To say it has been a difficult year would be an understatement. As a country, we find ourselves in the midst of two catastrophes – a public health and an economic crisis. In order to rebuild our economy, we must do everything in our power to protect people from this virus. My team and I will continue to provide you with information as we are able, and in return please continue to let us know how we can be of service. 

Keep the faith and keep in touch, 


Dean Phillips 
Member of Congress