Rep. Erin Koegel (HD37A) Update: February 22, 2018

Rep. Erin Koegel (37A) – Legislative Update

Dear Neighbors,

The 2018 legislative session is underway and there are numerous issues I’ll be focusing on in the next few months.

Transportation: A High Priority

I am committed to making safety improvements for drivers, pedestrians, and transit users along University Ave. (Hwy 47) along with ensuring we’re doing all we can to improve congestion on Hwy 65.

Number of Uninsured Minnesotans Increasing

Our state economy is strong, but the number of Minnesotans without health insurance has increased.

According to the 2017 Minnesota Health Access Survey, there were about 116,000 more uninsured Minnesotans last year compared to two years prior.

I’m disappointed in these numbers because it means too many families are facing challenges in securing
health insurance. I serve on the Health and Human Services Reform Committee and support exploring and thoroughly vetting possible changes to health insurance
and health care delivery systems. One possible option I’m interested in exploring is the MinnesotaCare buy-in, which would increase access around the state to a program that has functioned well for 25 years.

The legislative session will be short and intense this year, and I hope you will stay in touch with your thoughts on issues important to you. For me to best advocate for our community, your frequent input is
invaluable. I encourage you to email or call me any time; my email address is and my phone number at the Capitol is 651-296-5369.

It’s an honor to serve you.

Erin Koegel
State Representative