Rep. Laurie Pryor (HD48A) Update: March 29, 2018

Rep. Laurie Pryor (48A) – Legislative Update

Dear Neighbors,

Today marks the second committee deadline, which means policy bills must pass through committees in both the House and Senate by midnight tonight. So far this session, over 4,200 bills have been introduced in the House alone. These deadlines help winnow the number of bills potentially moving to the House floor substantially. Here’s an update from the State Capitol.

Town Hall Meeting

Last Saturday, Senator Steve Cwodzinski and I held a town hall meeting at Minnetonka High School to update constituents on our work at the Capitol and to respond to the issues on people’s minds. We addressed questions and concerns on topics that included gun responsibility, public schools, the environment, and the state of our community.

Much of the conversation related to how to protect our children and community in the wake of the Parkland shooting. For too long these tragedies have taken place while legislators sat idly by. Our children and young people are demanding action. The time has come to pass common sense gun violence legislation and promote policies that keep our schools safe and secure.

I tremendously appreciated the opportunity to meet with constituents no matter their background, ideology, or interests. Thank you to all those who attended, and I look forward to seeing you next time!

Minnesota Values Project

One important aspect of holding these town halls is to open a dialogue with Minnesotans to hear what’s important to them and the future of our state. Over the past nine months, House DFLers have embarked upon the Minnesota Values Project, an initiative to listen to people and have conversations about our shared values.

Looking ahead, we will continue to prioritize these key values that we have in common, like affordable health care, quality education, and better economic opportunities for everyone.

College Students Visit

Tuesday was Private College Day on the Hill and I got to meet with a group of engaging constituents who attend Gustavus Adolphus College.

That day in the Higher Education Committee we considered a bill to reduce the assigned student responsibility component of the state grant formula. This would increase the amount of the grants current recipients receive, as well as expand eligibility to more students. We also considered a bill to create and fund a student loan debt counseling program. The bill would make permanent a successful pilot project that was launched in 2015.

We need to ensure all young people are prepared with the skills and knowledge they need without taking on a mountain of unsustainable debt.

Good Food Access for Kids

Monday was the Minnesota School Nutrition Association Day on the Hill. They held a reception in the State Capitol and I visited with members of our community who ensure students get quality, healthy meals.

This also gave legislators an opportunity to learn more about the U of M’s Farm to School initiative and the Minnesotans for Healthy Kids Coalition’s Good Food Access campaign.

Starting tomorrow and through next week, the Legislature will be on recess for Easter and Passover. Much heavy lifting remains though, with a supplemental state budget bill, tax conformity, and a public infrastructure bill waiting for us when we return. I’ll continue to look forward to your input, so please continue to call or email anytime. It’s an honor to represent you at the Capitol.


Laurie Pryor

State Representative