Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A): January 17, 2020


This week, Governor Walz rolled out his proposals for the 2020 public works package, called a Bonding Bill, and I’m grateful that he has included several projects for Brooklyn Park.

The first is funding to plan a Center for Innovation and The Arts (CITA) for North Hennepin Community College. This project is meant to be a flexible facility that will increase opportunities for students, expand post-secondary pathways to the arts and STEM careers, and provide equitable and inclusive access to arts, technology, and cross-cultural programming.


The proposed design for the Center for Innovation and the Arts

The second project included in the Governor’s proposal is a grant to the Three Rivers Park District to design and construct a new Mississippi Gateway Center, the Nature’s Highline Walkway, a Mini-Mississippi water play feature, trails, picnic shelters, and other improvements for Brooklyn Park. You can read more about the project here.


I’m grateful the Governor has included these project to improve the lives of Brooklyn Park residents – but it’s not final yet. I will continue working to ensure these projects are included in the Bonding Bill we hope to pass during this year’s legislative session.

Get Ready for Real ID

Beginning October 1, 2020, Minnesotans who are 18 or older and have not gotten an updated “Real ID” will not be able to get on flights or enter federal facilities using their Driver’s License unless they have a passport. People without driver’s licenses can get state ID cards that comply with the Real ID requirements. It can seem overwhelming, but it just takes a little bit of time to get the documents in order.

Only about 10% of Minnesotans have done this, which is why you are encouraged to do it soon in order to receive your new ID in time. Here’s what you need to know:

  • What you need: One document to prove identity and date of birth, such as an unexpired passport, a certified copy of a birth certificate or a certificate of citizenship. If you’ve changed your name, you may need a marriage certificate if your name is different from your birth certificate. The birth certificate and marriage certificate also have to be certified (they will have an official stamp if they are). You must also show proof of having a Social Security number by presenting a Social Security card, a W2 form showing taxes withheld from a paycheck for the current year, or a pay stub with name, address and Social Security number. To prove Minnesota residency, applicants must show two documents, such as an unexpired Minnesota driver’s license, a credit card or bank account statement less than 90 days old, or a federal or state income tax return from the most recent filing year. A utility bill will not be accepted if two different names are on the bill.
  • The Cost is approximately $32
  • The Deadline is October 1, 2020
  • The old IDs will remain valid forms of ID for driving and activities such as cashing checks
  • Waiting time is 4-6 weeks after you order the ID

There is a checklist available here, and a good overview of Real ID from the Star Tribune here.


Work for the Census

Reminder! The Census is still hiring people to assist with the 2020 Census Count.  Temporary census positions are a great opportunity to earn extra income while also helping your community.

The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support for you and your community. Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data. Click here to download a fact sheet with more information, or here to watch a short video. We need to make sure everyone is counted!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Rep. Michael V. Nelson