Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: June 3, 2020


This week, following the unrest in Minneapolis and St. Paul, the killing of George Floyd is still incredibly fresh in our minds. While it’s imperative that justice is served, that can’t be where our efforts stop. More work needs to be done to address the systemic inequities in our society to prevent another senseless killing. To that end, my colleagues in the Legislature’s POCI (People of Color and Indigenous) Caucus recently put forward a comprehensive package of proposed legislation to reform our police and criminal justice systems. These include measures to:

  • Reform the investigation and prosecution of officer-involved deaths and wrongful actions
  • Increase police accountability and transparency
  • Raise standards of conduct and support officer excellence
  • Partner officers with the communities they serve
  • Repair and build community trust and create community-centered public safety

These are incredibly important proposals, and I stand with my colleagues in fighting for their implementation.

SD40 Virtual Town Hall Tomorrow

If you’re available, please consider joining Rep. Vang, Sen. Eaton, and myself for a virtual Town Hall as we discuss the end of session, what work remains at the Legislature, and changes to the COVID-19 regulations and resources. You can take part on Rep. Vang’s Facebook page.

town hall

Stay Safe MN

With the “Stay at Home” order expired, the new “Stay Safe” order allows for Minnesotans to gather in groups of 10 or less, and many retail stores are able to operate at 50% capacity, provided they follow public health guidelines. Governor Walz also announced that bars and restaurants would be able to open patios and other forms of outdoor service – with guidelines – which is already taking place. You can watch that press conference here.

Stay Safe MN 5 Safe Practices

The governor’s “Stay Safe” order also includes protections for workers concerned about returning to work safely. It allows workers to raise concerns without fear of retaliation from their employers. Guidance for businesses and employees is available here.

While lifted restrictions are a relief to many, it’s important to remember that the pandemic continues, and the measures we’ve been practicing for the past few months remain incredibly important to keeping Minnesotans safe and healthy. This remains a difficult time for local businesses, and though we’re now able to support them in different ways, we need to remain mindful of public health.

Stay Connected

For the latest news and updated information on the pandemic, please visit the state’s COVID-19 Dashboard. For those interested in assisting the communities impacted by the riots from the past week, the Star Tribune has compiled a comprehensive list of ways to help. If you have any questions about what we’ve worked on in the Minnesota House this year, or our goals for the future, please feel free to contact me at (651) 296-3751 or


Rep. Michael V. Nelson