Rep. Patty Acomb (HD44B) Update: February 27, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

I hope you’re having a wonderful week. There was lots of activity at the Capitol last week, beginning with a historic Sovereignty Day on Monday and the first public hearing for one of my bills on Tuesday. I also had the opportunity to meet with several advocacy groups from our community.

At the Capitol

The first Sovereignty Day at the Capitol was held last Monday. Leaders from all 11 of Minnesota’s tribal nations came to give us a better understanding of their history and issues that are important to them. It was an informative and emotional day. I encourage you to watch the presentations here.

My Solar on Schools plan had its first public hearing last week. HF 1133 is a combination of two things that I’m passionate about: clean energy and schools! It would provide grants for installing solar energy systems on school buildings. Bringing solar to Minnesota schools would save school districts money and provide learning opportunities for students and community members.

You can listen to the hearing here. The bill passed out of the Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Committee and will be heard in Education Finance next. Stay tuned for updates.

I met with several advocacy groups from our district last week! Representatives from the City of Minnetonka came to the Capitol to promote local priorities, affordable housing, and a sales tax exemption for the new public safety facility.

The Wayzata School District Legislative Action Committee came out in force. They’re advocating for the state to increase support for special education and mental health programs for students, as well as increasing funding with the per student formula. Learn more about the LAC here.

In the District

On Friday, I met with NatureWorks of Minnetonka to learn more about the exciting work they’re doing. The company makes bioplastics, products that are similar to plastic but manufactured with plant-based resources rather than petroleum. You can learn more about this innovative process on the NatureWorks website.

Please join Rep. Ginny Klevorn, Sen. Paul Anderson, and me at the Minnetonka Community Center for a town hall on March 9 from 10 to 11am. We’ll share updates on the work that we’re doing at the Capitol and hear your questions and concerns.

As always, please feel free to share any feedback or questions. I always appreciate hearing from constituents.


Patty Acomb
State Representative