Rep. Patty Acomb (HD44B) Update: February 8, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

Today marks the end of my first month as your representative! It’s an honor to serve as your voice at the Capitol. Here’s an update on the work that I’ve been doing.

At the Capitol
We had our first official floor vote on H.F. 51 this week! This legislation would allow homeowners to formally renounce restrictive covenants on their home titles. In the past, these covenants were used to prevent minority communities from moving into residential neighborhoods. While restrictive covenants are no longer legal, the language often remains on documents. The bill would permit homeowners to repudiate the racist language while preserving the title for future study of racist housing policies. We voted unanimously in favor of the bill, which gives me hope for more bipartisan legislation to come.
My good friend Rev. Dan Yeazel was the guest Chaplin one day this week and led the prayer before the House floor session.

It was a particularly exciting week in the Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Committee. On Tuesday, dozens of organizers came to the Capitol to show their support for a plan to transition to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. I was proud to stand with some of them for a press conference introducing the bill. You can watch that here.

The Energy and Climate Committee held two public hearings to give stakeholders a chance to share their thoughts on H.F. 700. 48 Minnesotans testified. Lia Harel, a student from Hopkins High School and a Minnesota Can’t Wait leader, spoke powerfully in support of 100 percent clean energy! I encourage you to watch her remarks and the rest of the hearing here.

Like most Minnesotans, I’ve had some lengthy commutes this week. Luckily I had the new Minnesota Values Podcast to listen to on the drive home from work. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or SoundCloud.

In the District
Thanks to all who joined me for my first town hall last weekend! Rep. Ginny Klevorn, Majority Leader Ryan Winkler, and I had a great conversation with those who attended. I look forward to scheduling another one in the coming weeks.

I also attended the State of the City address in Minnetonka, which was co-hosted by the Minnetonka Rotary. Mayor Brad Wiersum spoke of the good work going on in the city. I’m excited to continue working with local leaders and Minnetonka residents.

Please continue to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Patty Acomb
State Representative