Rep. Samantha Vang (HD40B) Update: April 29, 2019


I hope you had a great weekend! For the last month of session we’ll be vetting and voting on budget bills. Last week we covered education, jobs, energy and health and human services.

All Minnesotans deserve a great education, no matter who they are or where they live in our state. Our education budget is making historic investments in every student in every public school, including investments in early childhood education. We’re allowing all of our state’s youngest learners to get off to a great start.

Here are some highlights from the budget:

  • Increase teachers of color and indigenous teachers.
  • Increase per-pupil funding by 3% in the first year and by another 2% in the second year of the biennium.
  • Address Minnesota’s special education funding shortfall.
  • Protect access to voluntary Pre-K programs for 4,000 children.
  • Let schools hire additional student support staff, such as licensed counselors, psychologists, social workers, and nurses.
  • Expand students’ ability to earn college credits and develop skills through career and technical education programs.

Jobs & Energy
Last week (late in the night) the House passed the Jobs and Energy budget (HF 2208). It includes access to paid family and medical leave, earned sick and safe time for all Minnesotans, tougher protections for the 39,000 Minnesotans who report wage theft every year, and a pathway to adopt 100 percent carbon-free energy by 2050.
Minnesotans are rightfully demanding that we take responsible environmental action right now and for generations to come. This budget makes sense for our environment and for our economy; creates jobs while protecting our water, air and land.


We took a minute to celebrate our State Tree (the Norway Red Pine) during Arbor Day!

Health Care
The Health and Human Services budget strengthens health care for all Minnesotans by lowering the cost of care, making drug prices more affordable by holding Big Pharma accountable, addressing health disparities, and improving health care for women, while expanding coverage options for Minnesotans.

Thanks for reading! Please reach out with questions, comments or suggestions any time.


Samantha Vang
State Representative – 40B