Rep. Zack Stephenson (HD36A) Update: April 30, 2021

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Dear Neighbors,

At the Legislature, we’re buttoning up budget bills and conference committees have begun to meet. These committees are comprised of five House members and five Senate members to reconcile differences within each major area of the budget; Taxes, Education, Transportation, etc. I am pleased to report that the Speaker has named me House Chair of the Commerce, Climate, and Energy Conference Committee. In that role, I will be the principal negotiator for the House in the area of the budget for the Department of Commerce, as well as the policy provisions in the budget relating to commerce and consumer protection.  I will also be deeply involved in the negotiations related to climate change and energy.

Late Monday, the Minnesota House passed its Health and Human Services Budget aimed at building a better health system for Minnesotans after the COVID-19 pandemic. The budget strengthens our public health systems, addresses health inequities, makes prescription drugs more affordable, and expands coverage for low-income Minnesotans. The bill also includes needed investments in affordable childcare for Minnesota families. I’m most pleased that the budget bill includes compensation raises for Personal Care Assistants. You can read more about the legislation here

All Minnesotans Deserve Healthcare Image

House passes legislation to prevent eviction crisis 

On Thursday, the House approved an orderly and compassionate process bringing the state’s eviction moratorium to a close at the end of the pandemic.  The bill will prevent a wave of evictions among renters and homeowners while ensuring landlords are made whole for the rent they are owed. In addition to codifying the moratorium, the bill creates a 12-month timeline immediately following the end of the current peacetime emergency requiring landlords who intend to file an eviction for non-payment of rent to provide written notice along with information about rental assistance available to the tenant at least 60 days before filing an eviction. If signed into law, the House bill would give Minnesotans more time to access available assistance or plan for an orderly transition to a new home. Click here for more nonpartisan information from Session Daily.

Real ID Update

In a recent announcement from the Federal Government, the deadline to obtain a REAL ID has been extended by an additional 18 months to May 3, 2023. This will help relieve some of the pressure on our local Driver and Vehicle Services offices, which have been overwhelmed with requests to renew expired driver’s licenses, vehicle registration tabs, and give Minnesotans more time to obtain this updated form of identification. 

Real ID Licenses

Beginning May 3, 2023, Minnesotans will need a REAL ID to board domestic flights or enter federal facilities. An enhanced driver’s license or ID card, passport or passport card are acceptable substitutes. Simple vehicle tab renewals can be handled online in just a few minutes at the DVS website, so take advantage of that option if you can’t get an in-person appointment. 

Minnesota Will Retain ll 8 Congressional Seats  

Census reporting was released earlier this week indicating that by a narrow count of 89 people, Minnesota will not lose any congressional seats. Kudos to everyone in our Coon Rapids and Champlin communities for taking the time to get their voices counted in the U.S. Census to protect critical federal funding we all need for a strong and thriving Minnesota.  

Vaccine Appointments Available 

The State Fair Community Vaccination Site has appointments available! The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has reduced barriers for this site by opening a hotline to schedule appointments directly (833-431-2053). MDH has ensured an ADA accessible drive through option. A free Metro Transit pass is also available to every registrant. This week, they are also beginning to open community sites with the federal doses, where up to 1,000 doses a day of our allocation will be administered. These sites are being finalized and will be located at community centers, churches, schools, and more. 

You can find more information here. We’re incredibly close to putting this pandemic behind us, and we will get there sooner by vaccinating more Minnesotans. Please share this information with those who may need it. 

Keep in Touch 

Please don’t hesitate to contact me anytime with input or questions at or 651-296-5513.  

Thank you for the honor of representing our Coon Rapids and Champlin residents and families in the Minnesota House. 

Enjoy the weekend. 


Zack Stephenson 

State Representative