Right-wing columnist blasts the GOP for standing by Trump: ‘Conservatives have sold their souls for the sheer pleasure of partisan hatred’

AlterNet logoThe Bulwark, launched in December 2018 by two Never Trump conservatives —Charles Sykes and neocon Bill Kristol — has become a go-to website for anti-Trump commentary and reporting on the right. And The Bulwark’s Robert Tracinski, frustrated that so many Republicans continue to reflexively defend President Donald Trump, poses a question in an article posted this week: “Is this the idol to whom conservatives have decided to sell their souls?”

Tracinski, in his piece, makes an argument that MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and GOP strategist Rick Wilson have often made: that Trump has blatantly violated so many conservative principles, from foreign policy to federal deficits. And one of the pro-Trump right-wingers he takes aim at is talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.

“If you want to see the process by which a soul is corrupted,” Tracinski writes, “consider the case of Rush Limbaugh, the talk show host who became an icon of small-government conservatism — back before he decided that spending and deficits don’t matter.”

View the complete October 10 article by Alex Henderson on the AlterNet website here.