Right-wingers launch anti-lockdown movement in defiance of public safety and health

AlterNet logoAs reporting Wednesday revealed an internal government document warning of “a significant risk of resurgence” of the coronavirus even in a phased reopening scenario, right-wing activists in Michigan staged protests outside the state capitol to boldly defy Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s extended stay-at-home order designed to protect public health.

Dubbed “Operation Gridlock,” the event was organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition and Michigan Freedom Fund. The groups called on people to circle their vehicles around the state capitol building in Lansing in order to create a traffic jam.

That Facebook event call-to-action asks participants to stay in their cars, but videos and photos shared on social media show many people standing outside the building. Those protesters appear to be participating in a simultaneous protest launched by the newly created Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine. Those protesters, many standing on the steps of the capitol, are seen not adhering to social distancing guidelines, openly carrying weapons, holding pro-President Donald Trump flags, and singing chants including “Recall Whitmer.” Continue reading.