Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: February 26, 2021

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February 26, 2021

Planning for a Successful Session of Compromise and Activism

U.S. Map Photo

Minnesota is the only state legislature in the nation divided evenly between Democrats and Republicans. This has been the case since 2019, and we once again have a unique opportunity to be a model for the rest of the country. Our compromise two years ago to save the provider tax showed that divided government can work for the people, and this year we are going to prove that once again. Big debates over COVID relief will dominate the budget discussion, regarding things like PPP loan taxability, working family relief, and healthcare affordability. Together, with the intention of making our world a better place, I believe we can have a successful legislative session.

Sen. Cwodzinski on Senate Floor

Many of you have written in to share your thoughts on some of these subjects, in addition to other issues as well. Some of the topics I’ve received the most emails on have been:

  • Removing the tax on PPP loans
  • Opposing and supporting adult-use cannabis
  • Protecting the Boundary Waters
  • Vaccinations for COVID-19
Sen. Cwodzinski Speaking on Senate Floor

I am grateful to have an abundance of constituents that are so dedicated to exercising their civic duty. In addition to emails, I have also met with many constituent groups recently, including:

  • Fund Our Future advocates
  • Supporters of giving incarcerated Minnesotans a second chance
  • Anti-smoking activists
  • Supporters of increased funding for disability services
  • Ranked Choice Voting advocates
  • And many others!

Feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns.

February Budget Forecast Prompts Cautious Optimism

Sen. Cwodzinski Listening to Floor Speech

Minnesota’s updated budget forecast for the next biennium was released this afternoon. What was projected to be a deficit back in November is now projected to be a $1.6 billion surplus. This is an encouraging sign. The influx of federal funds and stable consumer spending are big parts of this change. 

This presents our state with an opportunity. Many families are still struggling right now. Working class Minnesotans and small business owners have been hit hardest by this pandemic, and our state is in a position to help. We can lift up those struggling most through investments in healthcare, education, small business, to ensure an equitable recovery for all Minnesotans.

Virtually Rallying for 2nd Chance Day

Sen. Cwod Virtual 2nd Chance Rally

Thank you Minnesota Second Chance Coalition for hosting a great day on the hill this Tuesday, to keep up the pressure on ensuring that formerly incarcerated Minnesotans are able to fully rejoin their communities. A part of that is restoring their voting rights. We fought a war in 1776 again taxation without representation. It is time to ensure that applies to everyone. You can watch my speech during the virtual rally by clicking HERE.