Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: March 8, 2019

Week of March 4th – 8th

My First Appearance on Almanac


In case you missed it, I was on TPT’s Almanac, At The Capitol this past Wednesday evening. It was a short segment featuring my high school yearbook, and I’m sure you will enjoy it. You can watch the video by clicking HERE.

As a bonus, my appearance on the Senate DFL’s podcast, Call of the Senate, is now online. I briefly mentioned it in last week’s newsletter, and you can listen in by clicking HERE.

Lots of Constituents at the Capitol


Rev. Michael Byron from Pax Christi in Eden Prairie gave the opening prayer for floor session on Monday. We had a fun conversation beforehand about the short period of time when I worked at the church in my younger days.


The Eden Prairie Education Association had their day on the hill this week, and it was an absolute please to reunite with old friends and make new ones. We had thoughtful and insightful discussions about funding and improving student outcomes.


I met with constituents from the Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association for their day at the capital this week. I’m very excited about a bill they are working on to make sidewalk salt application more environmentally responsible.


Pediatrician day on the hill was this week as well. I learned a lot from them on subjects ranging from vaccinations to the provider tax.


Safe Passage for Children day at the capital was Tuesday. A constituent and I had a meaningful discussion on child welfare and supporting early education


Eden Prairie High School students Mags Paracha and Nicholas Hein came by the office this week. They’re working on a project for their economics class and I’m honored that they chose to interview me.


Thursday was History Matters day on the hill. One of my constituents, Ram Gada, and I had an enjoyable and insightful conversation about the monuments on the capital mall. We even exchanged some ideas about memorials that could be added!


Realtor and developer day at the hill was this week as well. With Southwest LRT construction underway, we have a unique opportunity to improve Senate District 48 as a destination where Minnesotans can live, work, and play.

An Inspiring Statistic About Young Voters


I could not have been more proud of our state’s young people when I read earlier this week that youth voter turnout more than doubled in the 2018 election. There are not a lot of positive statistics being talked about these days, but this one truly does my heart good. You can view my thoughts on this subject by clicking HERE.

Remembering School Staff During Snow Days


This year has been one for the record books in terms of the blizzards we’ve had, and our schools are feeling the brunt of that. Despite the deserved enthusiasm students have about snow days, many school support staff do not get to share in their joy. Hundreds of state employees can be left wondering whether or not they will be paid. On Thursday, the State Senate heard a bill on snow days, and I spoke in support of an amendment to give these public servants peace of mind. You can view my speech by clicking HERE and skipping to the 25:30 minute mark.

Come and Participate in the Legislative Process!


Our first legislative deadline is coming up next Friday, and I encourage everyone to come down to the capitol for committee hearings before this part of the session is over. If there is a hearing coming up on a bill you are interested in, come testify in front of a committee or just sit and watch the debate! You can view the Senate’s upcoming meeting schedule by clicking HERE.

Meeting this Week’s High School Pages

The House High School Pages stopped by my office this week. Meeting with them is one of my favorite parts of being a legislator, and I could not be happier to see them not letting school get in the way of their education.


One of the students even happened to be from District 48!

Visiting the Eden Prairie Arts Center


Earlier today I was invited to visit the Eden Prairie Art Center. I heard from a number of local artists, all of whom are doing great work with the help of our state’s Legacy funding.

Breakfast with Business Leaders


The TwinWest Chamber of Commerce had their monthly legislative breakfast this week, and it was a joy and pleasure to see my Twin Brother Senator Paul Anderson in attendance as well. Today’s was an insightful discussion on helping small businesses succeed.