Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020

Prioritizing Financial Security for All


Economic security is something all Americans strive for: the ability to have essential needs met and live with dignity. Unfortunately, the very people who were least likely to have economic security before COVID-19 are being hit hardest by our current public health crisis.

We in the Senate DFL are currently working on a package of economic security bills that will help all Minnesotans come out stronger on the other side of this pandemic. This package includes:

  • Guaranteeing safe and secure housing for all
  • Ensuring pay for hourly school employees
  • Supporting broadband infrastructure
  • Passing wage increases for personal care attendants (PCAs)

We have an opportunity to pass forward-looking legislation and be the stewards our parents taught us to be. We can build a better future and provide economic security for more Minnesotans both during and after this crisis. Other proposals I am fighting for are:

  • Ensuring safe ballot access via vote-by-mail for every Minnesotan
  • Reimbursing community education for lost revenue
  • Allowing breweries to temporarily sell products in cans
  • Passing a robust infrastructure bill

Virtual Tour of the Capitol Coming Soon!


Due to our current pandemic, many school groups have had to cancel their spring capitol tours. Visiting with these students and helping them learn about the building is one of the highlights of the session for me, and so I am currently working on a virtual tour that will be available online. Stay tuned for it in next week’s newsletter!

Stay Home Order Extended to May 18


This week Governor Walz announced an extension of the Stay-at-Home Order to May 18, which includes bars and restaurants.

However, in a gradual reopening of the economy, retail businesses and other non-critical sectors may reopen with curbside pick-up, bringing 30,000 Minnesotans safely back to work.

For businesses that will be resuming operations, their exemption from the Stay-at-Home Order is contingent on the following mandatory criteria:

  • Develop and publicly post a plan for how to open safely
  • Use online payment whenever possible
  • Employees and customers should wear masks and protective equipment
  • In curbside pick-up scenarios, social distancing guidelines apply. If possible, customers should not leave their vehicle
  • In delivery scenarios, items should be deposited outside a customer’s residence

During this time, please wear a mask when leaving your home. Additionally, you should telework whenever possible, screen for symptoms as best you can, and continue to implement social distancing. Together, we can continue saving lives.

Continuing to Make the World a Better Place


A five year old sent in a letter from Earth Day last week, asking us to protect the environment they will grow up in. It arrived in the mail this week, and was a great reminder of the things we fight for.

Goodbye, Eden Prairie News

Yesterday was the final issue of the Eden Prairie News. Last week, I wrote a letter to thje editor about this and included it in the newsletter. It has now been published and you can view it online by clicking HERE.