Senate DFL Announces Call of the Senate Podcast

The Senate DFL Caucus has announced the launch of the Senate DFL Caucus’ new podcast, Call of the Senate. You can hear a clip from our great host, Sen. Jeff Hayden here.

We’ve all heard the talking points, now you can go behind the scenes and listen to what makes our Senators tick. We want to engage you, inform you, and entertain you with personal stories from our Senators – they all have fascinating backstories.

You will be entertained with their stories about growing up, their “aha” moments that defined and shaped their perspective on issues and drove them to become public servants. You’ll learn more about what our senators care most about and what they hope to accomplish while serving the people of our great state. Senator Jeff Hayden is our engaging host. The episodes are less than 20 minutes long – perfect for your morning or evening commute.

SAVE THE DATE: Monday, Feb. 25, 2019 – and please share the podcast links with your members, organizations, allies, and friends (attached is a social media graphic to share).

They are launching three episodes on Monday, Feb. 25 – spread out throughout the day. We’ll drop you a note and a link to tune in!

The Senate DFL Caucus will release another episode on Wednesday, Feb. 27 and Friday, March 1. Then, we’ll have regular episodes sent to you every Friday starting, March 9. You can find them on SoundCloud at