Senate DFL Week in Review: February 21, 2021


Minnesota Senate DFL’s Opposition
to the Republican Tax Plan
and everything happening in the Legislature this week.



Republicans tax plan makes promises that state can’t keep

Senate Republicans outlined their 2020 tax bill proposals this week, a wish list that spends more than $1 billion in the first year, with mounting, ongoing costs. Read more >>



A Valentine’s Day rally to Protect Love

LGBTQ activists rallied with Governor Walz and DFL Senators at the State Capitol on Valentine’s Day, demanding an end to conversion “therapy” practices in the state. Keep reading >>



Grain bin safety is a legislative priority.

Since June of last year, there have been at least 10 grain bin-related deaths in Minnesota. As a result of the grain bin-related deaths, legislators have focused on ways to make safety a priority on the farm. What’s next >>



Senate DFL Week In Review


Election security funds hostage in a partisan ploy  Stalled loon protection funds examined

“Clean cars” climate change initiative discussed

U of M, MinnState presents bonding requests
CW: Sexual harassment in the workplace

Fireworks bill returns to the Capitol

Prescription drug cost transparency

Republicans angry at MN Sentencing Guidelines Comm.

Second Chance  Coalition at the Capitol

Reproductive Rights advocates rally

Doctors Caucus introduce health care bill

Removing references of slavery from the state constitution

CW: Addressing the backlog of rape kit

Making milk the top choice for Minnesota’s kids


The Minnesota Senate DFL is committed to working together to build the state all Minnesotans deserve with high-quality education, affordable and accessible health care, and increasing support for working families. The values we share bring our communities together and serve as a guide for how we make our state work better for all of us, no matter what we look like or where we come from.

If you have questions or would like to subscribe to the Minnesota Senate DFL Week in Review, please email Bailey Koch at