Senator Collins: Kavanaugh Not Being Truthful ‘A Major Problem’

Senator Collins said that if Kavanaugh was not truthful at his hearings then that would be a “major problem.” She also previously said that a Supreme Court justice who would overturn Roe v. Wade would “not be acceptable.” Therefore, based on her own standards, Senator Collins should oppose Kavanaugh’s confirmation. See for yourself:

Senator Collins said that if Kavanaugh was not truthful at his hearing then that would be a “major problem.”

Senator Collins: “If in fact (Kavanaugh) was not truthful, then obviously that would be a major problem for me.”

Kavanaugh was not truthful at his hearing. Kavanaugh misstated multiple facts under oath and Republicans have tried to cover for him by keeping his records secret.

New York Times Editorial: “He misstates facts under oath, and Republicans cover for him by making it hard, if not impossible, to get the documents proving it.”

The Daily Beast: “Brett Kavanaugh has misled the Senate at least four times, and the censored emails have been withheld not because of national security or executive privilege, but, at least in part, because they make Kavanaugh look bad.”

Senator Collins previously said that a Supreme Court candidate who would overturn Roe v. Wade would be unacceptable.

Senator Collins: “A candidate for this important position who would overturn Roe v. Wade would not be acceptable to me, because that would indicate an activist agenda that I don’t want to see a judge have.”

Kavanaugh would overturn Roe v. Wade. Kavanaugh gave no assurances on his views, and represents the “tipping point” in overturning a woman’s right to choose.

Portland Press Herald’s Bill Nemitz: “She can vote later this month to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court and hope – no, make that pray – that he stands by his assurance to her that Roe. v. Wade is ‘settled law.’ (Whatever that means.) Or she can open her eyes to what many others already see – that Kavanaugh represents the tipping point in the never-ending battle over a woman’s right to choose an abortion – and vote to keep him off the highest court in the land.”

Vox: “If Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed, Roe v. Wade could be overturned in less than a year. That’s because 13 abortion cases are already before circuit courts around the country, the last step before reaching the Supreme Court.”