Senators: If you read that article Trump sent you, you should read this, too

Washington Post logoPresident Trump likes to use his Twitter account to promote news articles, cable-news segments and opinion pieces that bolster his political rhetoric. Trump uses Twitter the way college students use telephone poles: a forum for quickly assembled, often questionably useful messages.

Sometimes, though, Twitter isn’t enough for Trump. It wasn’t on Friday, when Trump came across a column by the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel that he deemed so urgent that he had his staff send it to every senator on Capitol Hill.

It’s not surprising that Trump would embrace a column by Strassel, an opinion columnist whose views of investigations into the president overlap with Trump’s so neatly that it’s as though they came from the same mold. Trump has tweeted about Strassel or retweeted her more than 20 times, usually because she’s raising an eyebrow at new reporting about Trump’s behavior. After the report by former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III came out in April, Trump suggested that Strassel get the Pulitzer Prize.

View the complete October 11 article by Philip Bump on The Washington Post website here.