Sports Columnist Tags Trump As ‘Major Golf Cheat’ And ‘Terrifying’ President

Rick Reilly is not only a former Sports Illustrated columnist — he is also the author of the book, “Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump.” According to Reilly, Trump is a major cheat when it comes to playing golf — and that says a lot about his presidency.

In an article published on Tuesday, The Guardian’s Donald McRae quotes Reilly as saying, “You’re mostly laughing, but at times, you’re crying. How did this happen? As a golfer, he really offends me. Cheating? Hate that. Driving carts on greens? Hate that.”

Reilly, according to The Guardian, first met Trump in the late 1980s. And even then, Reilly recalls, Trump was a master of exaggeration.

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