Senate Republicans reject funding for election security

The following article by Caroline Orr was posted on the website August 2, 2018:

All but one Senate Republican voted against providing additional funds to secure state election systems.

Credit: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Senate Republicans voted on Wednesday to reject a measure that would allot additional funding to states to upgrade election systems and defend against cyberattacks and hacking.

The amendment, which was introduced by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), would have provided $250 million dollars in grants to help states improve election-related cybersecurity, replace outdated equipment, and undertake other election security efforts like training and hiring additional personnel.

Only one Republican senator, Bob Corker, voted in favor of the measure. Three others — Richard Burr, Jeff Flake, and John McCain — were not present for the vote. Ultimately, the legislation got 50 votes, falling short of the 60 votes needed to pass.

View the complete article here.

Facebook reveals evidence to Congress of new disinformation campaign ahead of midterm elections

The following article by Ali Breland was posted on the Hill website July 31, 2018:

Credit: Matt Rourke, AP

Facebook has revealed a new coordinated disinformation campaign ahead of November’s elections that used dozens of fake accounts and pages on its platform.

The company said it has removed 32 pages and accounts across Facebook and Instagram involved in “inauthentic behavior” after discovering them last week.

It has briefed lawmakers on its discoveries and has been working with the FBI on the matter since discovering the accounts last week.

View the complete post here.