Liberal challenger wins Wisconsin court election over Trump pick

“It’s a victory for justice and democracy in an election that should never have taken place in person,” the state’s Democratic Party chair said.

Liberal Wisconsin state Supreme Court challenger Jill Karofsky defeated conservative Justice Daniel Kelly in the biggest battle of Wisconsin’s April 7 elections. But the war over voting in Wisconsin and other states isn’t even close to ending.

Karofsky’s victory over Kelly, who was backed by state Republicans and President Donald Trump, comes after Democrats threatened lawsuits over the election, which was marred by last minute chaos, including significant numbers of polling places closed due to coronavirus and disagreement between the Democratic governor and the Republican legislature over whether to postpone the vote.

It’s an early preview of the raw, intense legal fights over voting rights and ballot access set to multiply across other states this year, as the two parties prepare to contest a presidential election amid the pandemic. Continue reading.