White House tells $7 trillion lie about Trump’s budget proposal

The following article by Rebekah Entralgo was posted on the ThinkProgress website February 13, 2018:

The White House wants you to believe its budget will cut the deficit.

Credit: Mandel Nganan/AFP/Getty Images

Deputy White House Press Secretary Raj Shah appeared on Fox & Friends Tuesday morning to defend President Trump’s 2019 budget.

“So it’s a great plan, but it also has serious deficit reduction […] It has over $3 trillion dollars in deficit reduction, which is the largest deficit reduction of a budget in terms of a 10-year outlay that we’ve ever seen,” he said. “It lays down a path toward fiscal responsibility, it allows us to keep this booming economy growing, and it funds this president’s priorities that he campaigned on and the American people voted for in support.” Continue reading “White House tells $7 trillion lie about Trump’s budget proposal”