On Labor Day, More Than 60 Ways Trump Has Hurt Workers

As we honor the American labor movement, here is a look at some of the many ways Trump has hurt workers since becoming president:

  1. CEOs and wealthy shareholders continue to collect billions in profits from the Trump tax law, while real wages for workers have continued to decline.
  2. Workers are shouldering a rising share of federal tax revenue, while corporate tax payments are plunging toward record lows.
  3. Instead of using Trump’s tax cuts to benefit their workers, many corporations have actually laid off their workers.
  4. Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Kavanaugh, has often sided with corporations and powerful interests over workers.
  5. Trump appointed Neil Gorsuch to the the Supreme Court in order to strip rights away from workers and organized labor through the Janus decision.
  6. The Trump administration released new rules expanding short-term junk insurance plans, which have a long history of fraud and abuse that have left employers and employees with hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid medical bills.
  7. Trump signed executive orders to weaken federal unions by limiting time spent on union duties and charging unions rent, as well as to hurt unions’ ability to negotiate on workers’ behalf and deprive workers of their right to due process in the workplace.

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VIDEO: Harley-Davidson Workers Lose in Trump Economy

Despite the promises Donald Trump made to the American people, the Trump tax law simply isn’t helping American workers. Corporations have used the tax windfall to line the pockets of their rich executives while workers like the ones at this Harley-Davidson plant have lost their jobs: