FACT CHECK: Wardlow Cannot Hide from His “Proud” Work with Hate Group

Wardlow has proudly worked for an anti-LGBTQ hate group which opposes the ACA, marriage equality, and a woman’s right to choose

Minnesota – During tonight’s Attorney General debate between Congressman Keith Ellison and Doug Wardlow on KSTP, Congressman Keith Ellison reiterated his commitment to defending the rights of all Minnesotans, regardless of race, religion, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. While Republican Doug Wardlow attempted to paper over his past, he cannot hide from his record of “proud” work with an anti-LGBTQ hate group that has filedat least 23 lawsuits against the Affordable Care Act, wants to criminalize people for who they love, and is working to overturn Roe v. Wade.

During a recent appearance on FOX 9, Wardlow proudly stood by his work as a lawyer for this extreme organization: “The Alliance Defending Freedom – I’m proud of the work I did there… I stand by the beliefs of the arguments that I made while I was at the Alliance Defending Freedom – absolutely.”

Wardlow’s record working with the Alliance Defending Freedom is the subject of an advertisement from Ellison’s campaign, which is currently airing on Minnesota television stations. In addition to the points advertisement notes that Wardlow’s hate group the group has been involved with 23 lawsuits against the Affordable Care Act, sued to undermine public schools, and fought to defend harassment at women’s clinics.

Doug Wardlow would be a disaster for civil rights, weaponizing the Attorney General’s office to limit the rights and freedoms of Minnesotans. As Attorney General, Congressman Ellison will enforce our civil rights laws to protect the freedoms of all Minnesotans.