Exclusive: Carson seeks to clean up testimony on protections for homeless transgender people

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson on Thursday sought to clarify his testimony to a House committee about the Trump administration’s plans to alter protections for homeless transgender people.

Lawmakers grilled Carson on Tuesday about whether his department planned to roll back an Obama-era rule ensuring homeless transgender people are allowed to stay in single-sex shelters that match their gender identity.

Carson told members of the House Financial Services Committee that he is “not currently anticipating changing” the Equal Access Rule. But one day later, HUD unveiled a proposed rule that would allow federally funded shelters to consider “privacy, safety, practical concerns, religious beliefs” in deciding to admit a person, a change that critics say could result in discrimination against transgender people.

View the complete May 23 article by Jordan Fabian on The Hill website here.

Dem Katie Porter absolutely destroys Ben Carson again after exposing him as a buffoon

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) exposed Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson’s ignorance during a congressional hearing that went viral, but she worried the problem would not be seen as seriously as it should be.

Late-night comedians and social media users mocked Carson for mixing up an acronym for foreclosures with Oreo cookies, but Porter said she did not go into that House Oversight Committee hearing with the intent to draw laughs.

“My questions were serious — they weren’t designed to be funny,” Porter said.

View the complete May 22 article by Travis Gettys from Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.