Testing the CEO President

The following article by Andrew Soergel was posted on the U.S. News and World Report website August 4, 2017:

Credit:  Czarek Sokolowski/AP

Perhaps one of President Donald Trump’s most endearing qualities to his supporters – a trait he promoted throughout a contentious 2016 election campaign – is that he isn’t a lifelong politician.

He’s a businessman. A salesman. A brander. He was the patriarch of the Trump Organization real estate empire before trading his iconic Manhattan tower for a seat in the Oval Office. And he sold himself to the American people on the idea that he could better streamline the bloated Washington bureaucracy – draining the swamp and running the country with a business-like efficiency.

But after six months rife with high-level turnover, legislative hiccups and public feuds within Trump’s own team, questions have been raised as to how effectively the CEO in chief is guiding the ship. Continue reading “Testing the CEO President”