Is ‘Q’ the Greatest Hoax of All Time?

The following article by Joe Conason was posted on the website August 8, 2018:

The political movement swirling around President Donald Trump — formerly known as the Republican Party — displays certain unique features but is really just the latest noxious excrescence of the American right. Like so many of its predecessors, the Trump movement is built on fear. And like every movement motivated by paranoia, its followers are mentally vulnerable to the most idiotic conspiracy theories.

Not surprisingly, since everything about Trump is always the “biggest” and the “best,” his fans are flocking to a truly enormous and enormously deluded conspiracy known as QAnon, or simply, “Q.”

Insofar as any sane reporter can determine, Q is an entity that delivers anonymous messages via internet chat boards (the same virtual locations that generally attract obsessive right-wing types who carry out harassment campaigns from their mothers’ basements). Supposedly sent by some person or persons in the upper reaches of the federal government with ultra-secret security clearances, the Q “drops” assure us that Trump is actually dismantling the “deep state” and elite international pedophilia cults, both controlled by various liberal politicians and celebrities. Already, Q has reported the arrest of Hillary Clinton (which never happened).

View the complete article here.

At Snopes, a Peek Down the Right-Wing Rabbit Holes

The following article by Michael Tomasky was posted on the Daily Beast website November 17, 2017:


The other day, some rabbit hole I was venturing down online delivered me to, which I’d not visited in a while. In my memory, Snopes was called upon to settle, if such was possible, the occasional political debate; but more often it declaimed on questions of the “is the moon really made of green cheese?” variety.

What I saw staggered me—and somehow made it starkly plain to me how close to the precipice we are as a nation.

As I toggled over the home page, I was flabbergasted by what a high percentage of Snopes articles now are devoted to debunking fake news. And I don’t mean CNN. I mean, if I may use the phrase, real fake news. Garbage. And more specifically, right-wing garbage. Some stuff that’s in the actual news, though completely distorted, and other stuff that’s just totally made up, that who-knows-how-many thousands, or millions, of people are out there believing. Continue reading “At Snopes, a Peek Down the Right-Wing Rabbit Holes”