DNC and State Parties Announce Historic Agreement on Democratic Data

DNC Takes Major Step Forward In Chair Tom Perez’s Overhaul Of Democratic Data And Technology

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Democratic state parties today announced a landmark agreement to achieve a critical component of Chair Tom Perez’s overhaul of Democratic data and technology by participating in a data exchange that will allow candidates, state parties, the DNC and the progressive ecosystem to share data and leverage all of the voter contact work of the entire Democratic community. In a vote this afternoon, state parties agreed to join with the DNC to acquire and swap data in real time with a new outside identity, the Democratic Data Exchange (DDEx), which will also acquire and swap data with progressive allies on a blind basis. Former DNC Chair Howard Dean will serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the DDEx.

This historic partnership between the DNC and state parties to expand and evolve the Party’s data and tech capacity is the product of months of work by DNC Chair Tom Perez, DNC Senior Advisor Mary Beth Cahill, and Association of State Democratic Chairs (ASDC) President Ken Martin.

Through the DDEx, Democratic campaigns will share their data to become the beneficiaries of cutting-edge investments in voter-contact strategies by outside groups, while those groups gain the tremendous benefits of access to the Democratic Party’s unrivaled voter data. As a result of this agreement, the Democratic Party and its allies have an unprecedented opportunity to unify the use of data across campaigns, up and down the ticket. Whether you’re working for a campaign or an outside group, whenever you talk to a voter, the entire progressive community can benefit from the outreach. Continue reading “DNC and State Parties Announce Historic Agreement on Democratic Data”

WATCH: Tom Perez: Here’s What Trump Didn’t Mention In His SOTU

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe this morning, DNC Chair Tom Perez discussed what Trump did not mention in his State of the Union address last night. Trump did not mention critical issues like climate change, his 35-day government shutdown, gun violence, student debt, or equal pay, and he only said one sentence on pre-existing conditions.


DNC Statement on the Lunar New Year

DNC Chair Tom Perez, DNC Vice Chair Grace Meng, and DNC AAPI Caucus Chair Bel Leong-Hong released the following statement on the Lunar New Year:

“Happy Lunar New Year and best wishes to everyone celebrating the Year of the Pig in America and around the world. Democrats believe that our diversity is our strength, and we fight every day for our values of inclusion and opportunity. As the new year begins, let us recommit to that fight and to building a brighter future for all. From the Democratic family, we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous Year of the Pig.”

VIDEO: DNC Launches Series On The REAL State Of The Union

Today, the DNC launched a video series on the REAL state of the Union, featuring people from across the country whose lives have been devastated by the Trump presidency. The DNC will send these rapid fire throughout his address tonight to inform reporters and the public on what life is really like in Trump’s America.

Watch the first video below:

The DNC’s Trump War Room will provide research and rapid response to reporters before, during, and after the State of the Union. A live fact check of the speech can be followed at @DNC_Press.

DNC Chair Tom Perez on December Jobs Report

After the U.S. Department of Labor released the latest jobs and unemployment numbers, DNC Chair and former Labor Secretary Tom Perez issued the following statement:

“Hundreds of thousands of American workers still don’t know when their next paycheck will come. The fundamentals of the stock market are faltering after stocks posted their worst year in a decade. And thanks to Trump, volatility in the federal government is translating into volatility across our economy.

“President Trump has created nothing but chaos and uncertainty. Yesterday, President Trump’s own economic adviser admitted that many U.S. companies would be forced to lower their expected earnings because of this administration’s reckless policies.

“That’s why in November, millions of Americans voted for change by electing Democrats up and down the ballot across the country. Last night, House Democrats did what voters sent them to Washington to do: they voted to make our government work for American families. It’s time to end the disastrous Trump Shutdown.”

ICYMI: DNC Chair Tom Perez Discusses the New 2020 Presidential Primary Framework

Last night, DNC Chair Tom Perez joined Chris Hayes on MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes to discuss our new 2020 Democratic presidential primary framework, which creates a process that will be transparent, fair, inclusive, and puts the party in the best possible position to take back the White House in 2020.

Chair Perez: “I want to make sure that all of those candidates and their followers feel like their candidate got a fair shake, and that’s why we’ve put in place this very transparent process that will give them that fair shake and give voters an opportunity to hear from candidates what they stand for and what they are fighting for.”


DNC on Yom Kippur

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement on Yom Kippur:

“The Democratic Party wishes an easy, meaningful, and reflective fast to Jewish communities in America, Israel, and around the world. Yom Kippur is a chance not only to forgive and seek forgiveness for past mistakes, but also to come together to forge a better future for ourselves and our communities. On this day of atonement and renewal, let us continue the vital work of tikkun olam. Let us strengthen the historic bonds between Jewish Americans and the Democratic Party. And let us put our shared values into action every day. G’mar Chatimah Tovah.”

DNC Announces New Program: Team Blue

In partnership with organizations including Swing Left, 270 Strategies, Obama Alumni Association, Hillary Alumni Group, Bernie Alumni, Sister District, Flippable, and MobilizeAmerica

Democrats are seeing increased enthusiasm all across the country with a record number of volunteers wanting to get involved in campaigns.  In an effort to help direct this enthusiasm and get people plugged into campaigns up and down the ballot, today the DNC is launching a new volunteer program called Team Blue. Team Blue will support campaigns’ on-the-ground efforts by making it easier for people to find volunteer opportunities that work with their schedule or to identify a campaign where they could spend weeks or months volunteering full time during the final stretch.

Additionally, Team Blue is partnering with 270 Strategies and Swing Left on a new initiative called the ‘GOTV Deployment Project,’ which is working with campaigns to identify their needs and then matching and deploying experienced and diverse campaign talent to key races up and down the ballot, including Swing Left’s targeted congressional campaigns. The GOTV Deployment Project will maximize voter contact and other GOTV activities done by volunteers, including knocking doors and making calls during the final weeks and last weekend before November 6th. Continue reading “DNC Announces New Program: Team Blue”

WATCH: DNC Chair Perez Emphasizes Importance of Getting Out the Vote

RNC Chair admits Democrats have enthusiasm

This weekend, DNC Chair Tom Perez and RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel hit the airwaves, with starkly different visions of the political climate less than 60 days before Election Day. While Perez focused on the issues facing voters and emphasized the importance of every American exercising their right to vote, RNC Chair McDaniel was put on defense and forced to defend Trump administration policies that are hurting working families across the country.

While DNC Chair Tom Perez touted historic Democratic turnout, McDaniel was forced to admit Democrats have more enthusiasm.

DNC Chair Tom Perez: “Progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability, Margaret. And we’re working our tails off everywhere. I feel excited because we’re organizing everywhere, we’re fielding great candidates everywhere. You see the energy out there. Democratic turnout in [contested House primaries through June] in 2018 has been up 84 percent from 2014 .”

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: “Democrats have energy right now… And they’re coming back strong in 2018, hoping to flip the majority.”

Continue reading “WATCH: DNC Chair Perez Emphasizes Importance of Getting Out the Vote”

DNC on Social Security Anniversary

DNC Chair Tom Perez and DNC Seniors Council Chair Steve Regenstreif released the following statement celebrating the anniversary of President Franklin Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act into law:

“For more than 80 years, Social Security has provided economic security to generations of Americans. Millions of retirees, working families, and Americans with disabilities rely on the Social Security benefits they have earned so they can live and retire with the dignity they deserve. Continue reading “DNC on Social Security Anniversary”