Republicans were upset about election fraud — before it threatened their candidate

The Republican Party in North Carolina has been slow to accept the investigation into potential absentee ballot fraud. Credit: Erika P. Rodriguez, The Washington Post

Dallas Woodhouse, executive chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, spoke with great concern about the issue of election fraud.

It was 2016, and he was talking to a reporter from “This American Life,” the weekly public radio show, about questions being raised regarding signatures on some absentee ballots in Bladen County on the state’s southern border.

A group funded by Democrats in the state had been working on get-out-the-vote efforts in the area, and McCrae Dowless, a Republican soil and water supervisor with a checkered past, had filed a complaint, despite winning reelection.

View the complete December 6 article by Eli Rosenberg on The Washington Post website here.

GOP silent on election fraud scheme to steal North Carolina House seat

Republicans have nothing to say about evidence that shows one of their nominees benefited from election fraud.

The entire Republican Party machine — from Trump to Congress to Fox News — is refusing to acknowledge evidence of rampant election fraud in a North Carolina congressional race.

There are serious and credible reports that in at least one county, an operative working for Republican Mark Harris’ campaign ran a systemic fraud campaign in which absentee ballots belonging to real voters were either filled in with fake votes for Harris, or thrown away if they had already been filled in for Democrat Dan McCready.

The evidence of this fraud is so strong that the North Carolina State Board of Elections is refusing to certify results that would give Harris a victory over McCready in the 9th Congressional District. House Democrats are even considering refusing to seat Harris in the new Congress unless the controversy is resolved.

View the complete December 5 article by Oliver WIllis on the website here.