Election Infrastructure: Vulnerabilities and Solutions

The following article was posted on the Center for American Progress website September 11, 2017:

For more information on vulnerabilities in election infrastructure and commonsense solutions, read the Center for American Progress’ 9 Solutions to Secure America’s Elections.1

Board of elections technicians attempt to repair a voting machine at a polling station, November 8, 2016. Credit: AP/Alexander F. Yuan

In June 2017, the American people learned that Russian operatives had targeted 39 state election systems in the lead-up to the 2016 elections.2Beyond the states, Russians targeted an election equipment vendor.3 These cyberintrusions and other Election Day disruptions exposed the country’s voting infrastructure as outdated and vulnerable to attack, weakening confidence in the electoral process. One poll found that 1 in 4 Americans will consider abstaining from voting in future elections due to concerns over cybersecurity.4 Election officials at all levels of government must invest in America’s election infrastructure and defend the security of our election system. Continue reading “Election Infrastructure: Vulnerabilities and Solutions”