Leaked chats reveal ‘National Guardsman’ and White Lives Matter organizer is forming new fascist group that wants a race war

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The organizer of the aborted White Lives Matter rally in Raleigh, NC claims to be a National Guard member who wants to launch an “aboveground fascist movement,” according to recordings from an April 9 voice chat leaked to Raw Story.

Upon learning that anticipated support from Proud Boys would not materialize and the event was likely to draw significant opposition from anti-fascists, the host of the North Carolina White Lives Matter channel on Telegram — known as “Bolts ” — abruptly canceled the event and changed the name of the channel to “American Union Fascist.”

In a post in the public channel, “Bolts” announced that the faithful remnants of the failed “White Lives Matter” effort are forming a new group dedicated to white power activism in North Carolina, which he hopes to ramp up this summer. Continue reading.