Workers Still Waiting For Back Pay Trump Promised Would Come ‘Very Quickly’

Trump promised that workers would get the back pay they missed during his 35-day government shutdown “very quickly.” But two weeks after the shutdown ended, thousands of workers are still struggling to get by while waiting for the paychecks they’re owed.

Trump promised workers they would get their back pay “very quickly,” and the White House said it would happen by February 1.

Mulvaney, 1/27/19: “There’s a couple different payroll providers in the federal government and how an employee gets paid or which payroll provider- provider covers their agency will dictate how long it takes. Some of them could be early this week. Some of them may be later this week but we hope that by the end of this week all of the back pay will be made up and of course the next payroll will go out on time.”

Trump: “I will make sure that all employees receive their back pay very quickly, or as soon as possible.  It’ll happen fast.” Continue reading “Workers Still Waiting For Back Pay Trump Promised Would Come ‘Very Quickly’”